4 huīsè de practices
4.1 Schedule - Ban Kaui
4.2 Clothing - Uniform
We typically wear grey as much as possible and have a daily uniform that we wear every day.
- 10 grey pants
- 10 grey shirts
- 3 grey button ups
- 2 grey sweaters
- 2 grey pairs of shoes
4.4 Time
Time is a construct. You never have enough it. This is only a half truth. We waste time because we don’t know how to use our time effectively. We spend our wasted time, helping others waste their own time, and we find ourselves lacking the depth we really care
4.5 Depth and Breadth
Follow a question, not a domain. A question will take you on an adventure that can’t be captured by any of the categorical buckets of knowledge we’ve instituitionalised.
Fanli followed the question of why do we constantly sacrifice our life and our time as if we have an endless amount. And more particularly, why do many accept that social relations is a worthy excuse to live pathologically. This lead him from anthropology, sociology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and now towards deep learning and mathematics
Haohan followed the question why do many people who identify as female, value asethetic beauty as an ultimate capital and how does that effect the structure of a person living in the modern world, which has lead her through books and lectures on psychology, neuroscience, self-help and now machine learning and deep learning to try to create a different future.
4.6 Death
the denial of death leads us to treating our time as if it is infinite and we could . Instead you should be a meiser with your time. You should consider it your utmost responsibility to make the most use of your time so that you can become useful to society. That means stop wasting most of it and put yourself on a schedule. That means calling time wasted exactly what it is. The time you put into mastery will increase your ability to impact not just those around you and in your immediate group, but society and furthermore the world.
4.7 Data
Hone your gut intuition by immersing yourself in the data of your life.
4.3.2 Social Diet (solitary but social)